If you have any questions about the second (first? it was nearly the same time and who's counting with a bit of free idle compute time). breakage contact me this email address:
From: aba@dcs.ex.ac.uk Date: Thu, 17 Aug 95 16:10:00 +0100 To: cypherpunks@com.toad Cc: davby@se.liu.ida, Damien.Doligez@fr.inria, hfinney@com.portal.shell, asb@uk.co.nexor, aba Subject: Another SSL breakage... -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- All hell seems to have broken loose whilst I was lazing on the beach yesterday. SSL breakings, big name newspaper newsreports (of varying degrees of accuracy), and much ITAR bashing (yay!) or perhaps that should be nooooh! 'cos I might be doing myself out of work as a UK crypto hacker (as John Hemming said in the article Robert Hettinga forwarded) if we loose the fun advantage of being in the free world, and not having to follow the ITAR nonsense. Anyway, congratulations Damien! As Hal said, another group was working on the SSL challenge (albiet just for software testing purposes). Here's the story.... on Tue, 15 Aug 1995 10:43:15 +0200 I recieved this from David Byers <davby@ida.liu.se>: > Eureka! > > Encrypted Master Key: 7ef0961fa6 > > [...] So who was first? David hit it Tue 10:43 GMT+2. Doesn't matter, the more the merrier, and the better to demonstrate the silly ITAR export restrictions. This was a trial run at breaking it which two people had done just to check if their respective software was working correctly. It appears that it was :-). This testing was some of the reason for the slowness in getting the group effort started, we were very keen to ensure it really would work, and that the software was working perfectly. Disappointment with the RC4 bruting demonstrated the importance of checking first. On with the story, Davids eureka arrived Tuesday, I tinkered with it some, but was interpreting it wrongly and left it for that day, then I was away yesterday (at the beach with wife and kids, nice weather over here), and figured out how to apply the key this morning (with a bit of prompting from Hal as to what I was doing wrong), just after reading Damien's announce on cpunks, where he independently bruted it on a farm of workstations. Here's the output, with the "Mr Cosmic Kumquat" from "SSL Trusters Inc": > PPOST /order2.cgi HTTP/1.0Referer: https://order.netscape.com/order2.cgi > User-Agent: Mozilla/1.1N (Macintosh; I; PPC) > Accept: */* > Accept: image/gif > Accept: image/x-xbitmap > Accept: image/jpeg > Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded > Content-length: 472 > > source-form=order2-cust.html&order_number=31770&prod_80-01020-00_Mac=1&carrier_code=UM&ship_first=Cosmic&ship_last=Kumquat&ship_org=SSL+Trusters+Inc.&ship_addr1=1234+Squeamish+Ossifrage+Road&ship_addr2=&ship_city=Anywhere&ship_state=NY&ship_zip=12345&sh (I won't bother formating it more cleanly as Damien has already done the honors). I think a group effort ought to be done now that we are confident of the software, just to see how darn fast we (cypherpunks as a group) can knock off SSL keys. (This one was done by 2 people for testing purposes, and independently by Damien (who we didn't know was working on it)). I'd really like to work up to a really meanly few hours breakage, as it looks that much more impresive. The next media release ought to be of a steady offer, of the form, cpunks break keys in x hours, where x is a very small number. And not just break one key, but will break lots of keys, as required, until something is done about it (ITAR) :-) Eric Young is currently away on holiday, but I have his machine stats from earlier email, where he explained the hardware he was testing on. Eric swept 8000 - FFFF, and David 0000 - 7ef0 (where he hit the key) Machine stats for this bruting: 1 x 16k processor MasPar MP-1 - 1.5M keys/sec 4 CPUs of R4400 200mhz - 24000 keys/sec 4 CPUs of sparc 60mhz - 17500 keys/sec 2 CPUs of sparc 50mhz - 14800 keys/sec 1 CPU of Pentium 75mhz - 10200 keys/sec 1 CPU of Alpha - 10000 keys/sec 2 CPUs of 88100 - 8000 keys/sec 1 CPU of 88000 - 3500 keys/sec 1 CPU of R3000 36mhz - 3800 keys/sec 49 CPUs of 486DX 50mhz - 3780 per src The workstations total: - 424,320 keys/sec, and the Maspar 1.5M keys/sec on it's own. The 0000 - 8000 sweep was finished Aug 11 (he might have finished a day or two earlier, that's when he replied to my question as to how he was getting on. He left for his holiday after that email. The MasPar sweepings were going fast, swept 0000 - 795d (this was sometime before the 11th Aug) but someone else wanted the machine, so a pause ... and then (presumably Tues morning) 795d - 7ef0 and bang he hit it. We were getting worried about the possibility of software failure by then as we'd already swept 8000 - FFFF and 0000 - 795D accounting for 97.4% of the key space. It was hiding away in the last bit of unswept keyspace. Luck of the draw... A few quick calculations: The maspar alone could do the entire keyspace in 8 1/2 days, or an expected average time of ~100 hours. I believe I'm right that there would be lots of organisations which would sell you idle maspar hours for a lot less than $100 / hr. Heck you could do it with PC's, if they (WSJ article) think it's worth $10k all I can say is "give me the $10k", and I'll do it and make a handsome profit. The workstation farm, at 424k keys/sec could do the job in 30 days, or 15 days average. The workstation farm was only used to sweep half the key space, and was used overnight (12 hours) and weekends (61 hours) only as people were using the machines during the day. Could it have been done with out anyone knowing? Hell, yes - it was in fact, no announce was made as it was just testing etc. Adam - -- HAVE *YOU* EXPORTED RSA TODAY? --> http://dcs.ex.ac.uk/~aba/rsa/ - --rsa--------------------------8<------------------------------- #!/bin/perl -s-- -export-a-crypto-system-sig -RSA-3-lines-PERL $m=unpack(H.$w,$m."\0"x$w),$_=`echo "16do$w 2+4Oi0$d*-^1[d2%Sa 2/d0<X+d*La1=z\U$n%0]SX$k"[$m*]\EszlXx++p|dc`,s/^.|\W//g,print pack('H*',$_)while read(STDIN,$m,($w=2*$d-1+length($n)&~1)/2) - -------------------------------8<------------------------------- TRY: rsa -k=3 -n=7537d365 < msg | rsa -d -k=4e243e33 -n=7537d365 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2i iQCVAwUBMDNbnSnIuJ1VakpnAQHe9AP8DJBhZ8LyRNx7PO1GY076Cap+xzdS0/ys WE/tdm0GBfjqxvjtar85mmc1hZVPCn1m5Swsflk2ZpieLbwUzHz+g1ciW3IiZu1Y 8Qc2HJxWRrez3J5CeiMHgMJl6Bj6vF5XAWLW0v6NpujbOR9XuIjsKnH3jKvkhLF5 z0u7Oui0AX0= =nkmn -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----